Warning: session_start(): open(/home/www/5ea5be34b413af4b45016d40ba4cce78/data/Sessions/sess_b804795786d4e2152b7cfead7eefbf98, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/clients/fc6c8927848fda63f51061bd4790ff70/web/Mop/libs/include/web.php on line 8
Diapason Commodities Management,Access request,

Access request

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* mandatory fields :
1 By qualified investors pursuant to the CISA (Collective Investment Schemes Act) specifically means:
  • a. regulated financial intermediaries such as banks, securities traders, fund management companies and asset managers of collective investment schemes, as well as central banks;
  • b. regulated insurance institutions;
  • c. retirement benefits institutions with professional treasury operations, companies and public entities with professional treasury operations;
  • d. individuals who have concluded a written discretionary management agreement with a bank or an independent asset manager unless they have declared in writing that they do not wish to be deemed as such (opting out);
  • e. individuals declare in writing that they wish to be deemed qualified investors, who have specific individual education and professional experience in the financial sector and hold assets of at least CHF 500 000;
  • f. individuals declare in writing that they wish to be deemed qualified investors, and they hold assets of at least CHF 5 million (may comprise immovable assets of up to CHF 2 million calculated on the basis of the market value less all debt associated with the immovable asset) (attributed to the assets: bank credit balances at sight or on demand; trust funds; securities including collective investment schemes and structured products; derivatives; precious metals; life insurance policies with a surrender value but no occupational pension assets (LPP)).

To verify your request, please answer the following question :





A comprehensive range of solutions covering
the whole spectrum of needs
Thanks to its unique expertise in the commodities management field, Diapason Commodities Management offers a comprehensive range of solutions covering the whole spectrum of investor needs. The commodities market is uncorrelated with share and bond fluctuations over the long term... [+]



Commodities Insight (25.07.2016)
Austerity is on the way out, fiscal spending is in: Can the trough of interest rates be far behind?
The main challenge facing the world economy is a shortfall in aggregate demand. This has been reflected in a surfeit of savings over investment, or equivalently, an excess of output over desired spending. The Great Financial Crisis (GFC) altered preferences in fundamental ways. [+]


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